DPG took part in the discussion on “Securing a Global AI Ecosystem & Standards” hosted by the Global Digital Foundation engaging experts from the industry, CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies), ETSI, Eclipse Foundation as well as members of the European Parliament. Key takeaway from this hybrid Brussels forum: AI is maturing across all its disciplines, incl. ML, natural language, sensors, robotics, data linkage, architecture, human factor and social computation, and security. Breakthroughs in applications are happening as result of combining AI technologies. Such confluence has increased demand for autonomous, realistic, synergetic, and reflective AI applications, reinforcing and speeding up AI research across all domains. Industry 4.0 has entered its second phase focussing on ML from industrial data, machine understanding of data, and practical use of insights from data. Federated infrastructure and data sovereignty will be crucial for startups and SMEs to participate in the digital economy. Speakers also emphasized the importance of AI in tackling broader challenges, incl. decarbonization and global health. In terms of governance, dilemma optimization increasingly complements problem solving, reflecting the shift from tech optimism to tech realism, and the rise of soft-law self-governance approaches. AI standards will help combating security challenges more effectively. Lawmakers take a risk-based/ex-ante governance approach. The usual question remains: can regulators keep up with the pace of technology innovation, will regulations stifle innovation and the adoption of AI? The outcome report can be found here.
DPG Joins UNIDO AIM Global
Berlin – March 6, 2024 – DPG, represented by Dr. Thorsten Jelinek, has joined AIM Global, United Nations’ Global Alliance on Artificial Intelligence for Industry and