Berlin AI Assurance Club Meeting


DPG co-organized with the

 Global Digital Foundationthe Berlin AI Assurance Club meeting, which brought together leading experts from government, industry, and academia and examined AI assurance from an Industry 4.0 perspective. The discussion focussed on the tension between regulating AI and fostering AI adoption and innovation. While regulators are taking a risk-based approach towards AI, the industry is primarily interested in utilizing AI as a new source of efficiency and improving enterprise decision-making. The roundtable tackled the question of how AI assurance can increase trustworthiness, while simultaneously enhancing competitiveness. 
Three key points stood out in our discussions on AI Assurance and Industry 4.0, a roundtable discussion in Berlin: (1) The AI Act aims to prevent market fragmentation and promote the legal certainty needed to facilitate investment and innovation; (2) The field of enterprise AI presents real opportunities for European industry; (3) There is a strong appetite amongst members and meeting participants for collaboration on the development of practical frameworks for AI assurance within specific vertical markets.

The meeting was hosted by eco – Association of the Internet Industry, chaired by John Higgins CBE, Chairman of the Global Digital Foundation, and moderated by Dr. Thorsten Jelinek, Managing Director of DPG Digital Platform Governance. More information.

DPG Joins UNIDO AIM Global

Berlin – March 6, 2024 – DPG, represented by Dr. Thorsten Jelinek, has joined AIM Global, United Nations’ Global Alliance on Artificial Intelligence for Industry and

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